Islam in Lesotho

Lesotho is a predominantly Christian , with Islam being a minority religion.

Due to secular of the Lesotho's constitution, Muslims are free to proselytize and build places of worship in the .

The Muslim population of Lesotho in 2013 is about 3000 plus throughout the .

Most of the population are from South (, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka).

South Asian Muslims, being a more prominent and established community, settled in the to conduct and .

Their presence has been well noted since the early 1900s, when a few families migrated from Durban, Kwazulu-Natal.

There are various mosques and prayer halls in Lesotho at the Maseru to Butha-Buthe and other places around of Lesotho.

Jamaat Khana at Jackpot Market, Bus Stop Jamaat Khana, Mall Jamaat Khan, Sekamaneng Islamic Centre Jamaat Khana, Osaman Masjid at Ha-Hoohlo Jamaat Khana and Thabong are the places where offer their Friday Prayer in Maseru .

The vast majority of Muslims are Sunni.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim community claims 350 members in the and the Shi'ites Muslim are there around 1500 .

Last Updated on 3 years by pinc