Mathew Baker

Mathew Baker was one of the most renowned  shipwrights, and the first to put the practice of shipbuilding down on .

The first list of ‘Master Shipwrights' appointed ‘by Patent' by Henry VIII of  included ‘John Smyth, Robert Holborn, Richard Bull and James Baker,' in 1537.

James Baker was responsible for many of the designs and the of Henry's fleet.

James designed the means of mounting cannon in a ship's lower levels, rather than on the top deck, an credited to Henry.

Having been apprenticed to his father James, and having grown up in the surroundings of the dockyard, Mathew was appointed ‘Master ' in 1572.

As John Hawkins's reformed naval administration began to bring discipline to the craft of shipbuilding, Mathew Baker became perhaps the greatest ship of times, known to have built, among other ships, the Dreadnought, the Vanguard, the Merhonour and the Repulse.

Last Updated on 2 years by pinc