
Mobile Virtual Network Operator(MVNO)

What is a MVMO? A mobile virtual network operator is a wireless communications services provider that does not own the wireless network infrastructure over which it provides services to its customers.An MVNO enters into a business agreement with a mobile network operator to obtain bulk access to network services at wholesale rates, then sets retail

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How would an EMP affect the grid?

An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a burst of electromagnetic radiation that can disrupt or damage electronic systems. An EMP could potentially have a severe impact on the electrical grid, which is the network of power plants, transmission lines, and transformers that supplies electricity to homes and businesses. An EMP could damage or destroy components of

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Kinzua Bridge

The Kinzua Bridge or the Kinzua Viaduct was a railroad trestle that spanned Kinzua Creek in McKean County in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. The bridge was 301 feet (92 m) tall and 2,052 feet (625 m) long. Most of its structure collapsed during a tornado in July 2003. Billed as the “Eighth Wonder of

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